Although I am a professional coach and have told people that it takes around 90 days to change a habit. If you are a drug addict this process is crucial. First the body has to be cleansed, then repaired, then retrained. I am a firm believer that you and I are a slave to our habits. So if I am t be a slave then I choose to be a slave to good habits. Like eating well, getting plenty of rest, intense exercise, and practicing me art until it is nearly perfected. On December 14th I started my cleanse. I had been working out, but not what I would call regularly. It would be one day on four days off then 2 days on one day off followed by one day on and six more off. My program lacked consistency. So when I started my cleanse I also started working out. It was all cardio for the first seven days. Then I started to mix in some interval training. After 10 days my cleanse was over and I had lost 12 lbs. of garbage. Then I started juicing for the next 10 days. My work outs never suffered and I was pretty amazed on how my body actually felt. I had tons of energy and after twenty days I was down from my original 236 to 218. I started to introduce some solid raw foods back into my system after 20 days. I was still having some craving for meat. I'm not a big meat eater either so I broke down and had a steak. It tasted wonderful but tore me apart. So I salt flushed it out of m body the next day. A salt flush is 1 quart of sea salt water solution. It will empty out the entire digestive tract in an hour. If your drink the quart and nothing happens then drink another one. It will happen eventually. So today is around my 90 day mark. and I have kept the weight off. I need a new wardrobe. And you can see the lean results. 208 lbs is my official weight. That's 28 lbs in 3 months. I did it in about 60 days in all actuality. This is the first time that after is completed a cleanse I did not put back on some of the weight. I think I have finally tuned up my diet and the exercise is also the key. I am no longer training 6 days a week now. I am down to 3. This is mostly because I have board exams next week and have been studying, OSCE's on 3/18, and had been attending about every outreach clinic I can get into so I can get my credits finished. I told you I would tell you the secret. Cleansing the body will do more than just empty all the waste out of your system. It will allow your gut to heal. If you are over weight and you feel like you have to eat all the time because you are hungry all the time might just be due to the fact that your body has a malabsorption problem. The body for some reason is not absorbing the nutrients that is being put into it. So when this happens the body cries out for nutrients and signals the hunger centers in the brain. So we eat and eat and the calories add up to more than we need so the body just throws this waste in the form of fats on our bellies and thighs, chin and chest. the serious issues start to arise when the belly fat starts to deposit inside the organs. Then the organs start to also function poorly and sometime begin to fail. So cleansing the body starts the healing process. Once the cleanse is over you can not just start shoving burgers back into your mouth. The system is clean and is not completely healed yet. Juice is the next phase. Juice is easy on the system and literally takes minutes to digest and process for energy. This is why on a juice diet you must have is ever 2 hours or more. Since the body is not processing the weight in your gastrointestinal tract it now has time to work on the other neglected areas of the body. The brain, artery plaques, and excess body fat. If the system is clean this process becomes really efficient. Fat literally starts to melt of you from the inside. Your body will break it down and secret much of it in your urine. Yes I said your urine. Because the GI tract processes the food waste. The blood and kidney will process the other waste. Water is a huge key. You must consume gallons of it to flush your system. When you are cleansing going to the bathroom a lot is a key marker of how well you are doing. If you do not consume enough water then the toxins will build up and you may like me experience headaches and even flu like symptoms. The other secret is intense exercise. Exercise releases insulin like factors that also increase metabolism in the muscles and release growth hormone which in turns builds muscle mass and burns more fat. This is another reason exercise will help diabetics. If they are not producing insulin the the insulin like factors will substitute for insulin. If they have an insulin resistance the insulin like factors will again substitute for the insulin. No insulin is really needed at all. The third key is persistent and consistent effort. Small strokes fall big oaks. Weight will not fall off you in one or two days. Weight will change after 90 days of doing this. I would bet my life on it. If you have been working out hard and do not seem to be able to drop any weight then Look to see if you have one of the key features wrong. I hear people say "I eat great and work out all the time but have hit a point where they are stuck. They are either lying about their diet, the exercise program or they have malabsorption issues that have not been properly addressed. It can be that simple. Here are my results. The secret is there are no secrets. Hard work and discipline win out over and over again.
This is the Official Web Blog of Chiropractic Intern and Former Professional Baseball Player Greg Shepard.
Friday, March 13, 2015
90 days to transform your body.
Posted by
Greg Shepard Professional Baseball Instructor and Future Chiropractor
4:48 PM
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best hitting instructor ever,
Chiropractic Intern,
Greg Shepard,
Juice cleanse,
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master cleanse,
weight loss. Palmer West. Baseball
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
Brain Steroids! Are you kidding me?
So I'm in my final year of school and this product hits the market? I'm a little upset that I hadn't heard of this stuff before a few weeks ago. Individual case studies have been done bit not any randomized control studies that I can find. The press is pretty neutral, but I'm still going to try it. I've tried a hoard of these brain enhancers to no avail. Well I guess one more can't hurt. The ingredients look promising and healthy anyways. Couldn't hurt right? I'll keep you all posted like I always do.
Monday, March 2, 2015
How Stress is the Silent Killer.
If you could just look at the bodies chemistry and how it changes when chronically stressed you would get scared. Some people reading this might even say to themselves, "I wonder if I am at risk because I have stress and some of these issues already." If someone reading this has these thoughts then I would says you probably are at risk. Stress is known as the silent killer. The first sign of any stress related issues is sometime death. Cardiac Arrest or Heart Attack is sometime the first sign of a chronic stress condition unfortunately. Let me explain how stress works and why some stress is normal and good and how other stress is not and what happens to the body physically. Stress is need and good in most cases. If you needed to run from danger because someone is trying to mug you then the bodies response to this is natural and needed. The brain stimulates the release of ACTH, then the ACTH stimulates the Adrenal Glads to release adrenaline and cortisol. The bodies physiology changes to think faster, be stronger, and feel less pain so it can fight or flee. Triglycerides are mobilized and glucose is used for quick energy. This is all needed and very natural. After the threat is over the body adjusts back to normal. The blood that had been shunted from the core to the extremities and brain returns to the core and growth hormone production resumes along with digestion. The parasympathetic nervous system returns the body to the rest and recovery state that it so much enjoys. So what is wrong with stress? Nothing if this is the only stress you are experiencing. If you experience this kind of stress and then experience another and another and you start to get that feeling of being "stressed out" you just might be. Stressed out is going from being late to work, traffic jam, anxiety for being late, then your deadline for work is five minutes away but you still have two days of work on it, followed by bad eating choices, then the drive home in another traffic jam, finally home to kids or you significant other that starts dumping their day on you...... I'm feeling my blood pressure rise just writing this. What if this not a one day event but an everyday event? You stop sleeping because your brain will not slow down and now you start to look for something to bring you down or at least slow down your mind. Alcohol works so you start drinking a little at first. Since your cortisol levels never normalize your adrenal gland is hyperactive. You blood pressure, pulse and respiration are gradually rising little by little day by day. This elevated pressure starts to break down the vessel walks and tears begin to appear. Since cortisol increases blood fat levels and vasoconstriction is already happening, paired with small tears in the vessel walls from the increased pressure this will create plaque formation in those constricted torn vessels. Are you starting to see how slowly over time this could lead to disaster? Also there are studies that have shown that people under chronic stress make poor choices when it comes to healthy eating. Also the heart is an amazing thing. It just keeps pumping and pumping twenty for hours a day 365 days per year. Under chronic stress the heart is working harder than its normally used to and over time this can lead to failure. Stress might not be the actual cause of a heart attack but it sure is directly related to the other aspects of the overall degeneration of the tissues.
This is a list of pathological condition created by chronically elevated Cortisol levels.
1. Suppressed immune system
2. Hypertension
3. High Blood Sugar
4. Insulin Resistance
5. Carbohydrate Cravings
6. Metabolic Syndrome
7. Type II diabetes
8. Fat deposition int he neck, face, and belly
9. Decreased Libido (who the heck wants that?)
10. Bone Loss
This is a list of pathological condition created by chronically elevated Cortisol levels.
1. Suppressed immune system
2. Hypertension
3. High Blood Sugar
4. Insulin Resistance
5. Carbohydrate Cravings
6. Metabolic Syndrome
7. Type II diabetes
8. Fat deposition int he neck, face, and belly
9. Decreased Libido (who the heck wants that?)
10. Bone Loss
Inflammation, Inflammation, Inflammation!
Recently I was playing baseball and a teammate slid into second base and then started flopping around like he had been shot in the leg. People were running out to see what had happened. The way he was rolling around I could see he was in a lot of pain. It was his knee. Then everyone starts yelling for me. I'm the unofficial official team doctor. I'm technically not a doctor yet but my teammates assume since I am in my last few months of chiropractic school that I am a doctor already because I treat people in the Palmer West clinic. My first questions are, "Did you hear or feel anything pop? Is there any burning pain? What happened?" That should have been my first question because from what I saw I was thinking ankle. When he told me he came down hard on it and slammed it on the hard dirt. So I asked him to lay still and I just wanted to perform a couple of instability tests on him. He was fine. He has a very bad bone bruise on the patella and the superior aspect of the patellar tendon. It was painful. Ice and compression to keep the inflammation down. Then he asks if he should start popping anti inflammatory pills. He is surprised when I say no. Inflammation is good at this point. Your knee is a high tissue turnover area and right now you do not want to turn off this natural response. He is even more confused , so I explain it to him in a little more detail that makes since and he just agrees to not take any anti-inflammatory drugs right now. So many people have the wrong information. Athletes just want to get back on the field so they say Doc just give me the cortisone so I can get back in the game. They get the shot, feel better, go back and play and all this time the bodies natural healing process has been turned off. The shoulder or knee gets worse and eventually their career ends prematurely because of arthritis pain that is unbearable and performance has diminished. Inflammation is good sometimes. When tissues are injured inflammation is a huge part of the healing process. So where in the body is inflammation bad? How about your digestive tract. If your Gastrointestinal (GI) tract is inflamed then you are going to have all sorts of problems. People with GI problems report painful joints, fatigue, muscle weakness, gas and bloating, nausea, constipation, diarrhea and many many more. Why would a chiropractor be concerned about the GI tract? People come to see us for joint pain. When I find functional and structure issues with the spine I will run a trial of care. Some time the person reports they feel better and normal after a few weeks. But I have had patients that come back and have the same complaint week after week. This is not a chiropractic problem. This is an inflammation problem. I am willing to say that ninety percent of these people have inflammation related GI problems. They are overweight, on all kinds of medications, dehydrated, report food allergies, fibromyalgia, celiac disease that is unresolved when taken of gluten. There history tells me this is the case loud and clear. I though I once had chronic neck and lower back pain. Once I put myself on an anti-inflammatory diet my problems began to go away. For one month I ate no dairy or meat. I lost twenty pounds, my skin looked younger healthier and was softer. Then next month I reintroduced dairy. I added cheese to my food and salads, butter in my coffee. The gas and smelly stools returned and my head is full of mucus. I even got sick for the first time in two years. My lungs are now full of mucus too. So I'm off the dairy again for good. I do drink coffee but instead of butter I use coconut oil and it is still creamy. I'm tired of being a nice about people's health. I'm at the point where I care about people to much to sugar coat what they are doing to themselves. If your body is in a constant state of inflammation then you are slowly killing yourself. If your body is too acidic and is a breeding ground for all kinds of bacteria and even cancer. You are consciously choosing to kill yourself buy the eating choices that you make so here is some "Tough love". Sorry to be so straight forward, I am just sick of the lies you are being told so really I'm not sorry. If your food last for months in your fridge then it is not food, it is food stuff or food product. These food products have very little nutritional value. Food spoils in days. It is living and therefore it dies. You must consume it while it is living to keep life in your body.
Does this make since? Why do you think people are aging faster? People are dying faster is the reason. The human body is designed to live to 120-140 yet ours are done at 75, and its a miserable 75 years at the end. If you have questions about an anti-inflammatory diet and how to reboot your system email me at
Does this make since? Why do you think people are aging faster? People are dying faster is the reason. The human body is designed to live to 120-140 yet ours are done at 75, and its a miserable 75 years at the end. If you have questions about an anti-inflammatory diet and how to reboot your system email me at
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